FLORIDA KEYS, FL – In an effort to preserve County-maintained roads and prolong pavement life, Monroe County is continuing the pavement preservation program it initiated in spring 2020. On Nov. 28, Pavement Technology, Inc. will begin treating roads in Key West and Big Pine Key that were resurfaced between 2021 and 2022. The project should take approximately 3-4 days to complete, weather permitting. This treatment will extend the life of the pavement up to eight years. The project will not take place on U.S. 1 and will not affect traffic along U.S. 1.
During the treatment period, the road will not be accessible to vehicular traffic for approximately 30 minutes. Access for emergency vehicles will remain available and the contractor will work to minimize inconvenience to residents. The contractor will also place signs the day before in the neighborhoods scheduled to be treated. The process involves applying a liquid rejuvenator to recently paved roads early in the pavement lifecycle to extend the life and minimize more costly repairs such as milling and resurfacing. The rejuvenator is sprayed on the road and fully penetrates the asphalt before a light coating of manufactured sand is placed over it to provide short-term friction and act as a blotting agent. The following day, all treated roads are swept with a vacuum sweeper to remove the sand. The product is environmentally safe, washes from vehicles with soap and water, and is applied not to create any runoff into the ocean. In April 2020, the crew treated 55 miles of county-maintained side and residential roads from Lower Sugarloaf to Little Torch Key that were resurfaced as part of the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater Project, in December 2020, the crew treated 7 miles of County-maintained residential and side roads in Key Largo, and in December 2021 crews treated 31 miles of county-maintained residential roads in Stock Island, Key Haven, and Key Largo. MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County Fire Rescue and Monroe County Firefighters Benevolent Association will host several evening holiday caravans throughout the Florida Keys as part of its annual tradition.
Monroe County Fire Rescue firefighters and staff will throw candy from fire trucks, ambulances, and other fire rescue vehicles along the route. Of course, Santa also will take time from his busy schedule to ride on a fire truck. There will also be a few stops to meet with Santa along the route. Each parade's exact times and routes will be posted on www.monroecounty-fl.gov/mcfr and the Monroe County Fire Rescue Facebook page www.fb.com/monroecountyfirerescue before the event.
MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County Administrator Roman Gastesi and Mayor Holly Merrill Raschein hosted a local discussion on Monday regarding the recent webinars showing the Dept. of Commerce’s hurricane evacuation modeling findings. The County used a coordinating call and invited municipal officials and Florida Keys stakeholders to the Zoom webinar. The public and media were also invited to participate. Additional discussions will be held at scheduled county and city commission meetings. “We really want this to be a community conversation as it will affect all of us,” said Gastesi. “The bottom line is we need to find a sweet spot that considers the three most important things: public safety, quality of life, and environmental protection.” Recommendations will likely be made to the Dept. of Commerce, State Legislature, and Florida Administration Commission in the upcoming legislative session, which begins Jan. 8, 2024. The Dept. of Commerce may also run additional scenarios in addition to the six listed, which range from doing nothing to allocating the 7,954 ROGOs over a period of time to accommodate the number of buildable lots still available in the Florida Keys. To watch the local webinar, visit https://youtu.be/0YyGCGpzzlw. To learn more about the Dept. of Commerce’s hurricane evacuation modeling (overview and webinars), visit https://www.floridajobs.org/community-planning-and-development/programs/community-planning-table-of-contents/areas-of-critical-state-concern/city-of-key-west-and-the-florida-keys/florida-keys-hurricane-evacuation. TAVERNIER, FL – Monroe County Fire Rescue and Monroe County Parks and Beaches invite the public to take a picture with Santa and meet local firefighters on Saturday, Dec. 9, from noon to 2 p.m. at Harry Harris Park in Tavernier. The first 100 children will receive a frisbee, and there will also be candy canes and fire truck tours in addition to meeting with the “big guy” himself.
“Harry Harris Park got hit pretty bad by this past storm, but we are excited to get the park back to its glory and have Santa visit the fabulous Florida Keys for all of the local children to enjoy,” said Monroe County Parks and Beaches Director John Allen. “We look forward to seeing you then.” Please bring your camera or cell phone if you want a picture with Santa. TAVERNIER, FL – Monroe County Fire Rescue and Monroe County Parks and Beaches invite the public to take a picture with Santa and meet local firefighters on Saturday, Dec. 9, from noon to 2 p.m. at Harry Harris Park in Tavernier. The first 100 children will receive a frisbee, and there will also be candy canes and fire truck tours in addition to meeting with the “big guy” himself. “Harry Harris Park got hit pretty bad by this past storm, but we are excited to get the park back to its glory and have Santa visit the fabulous Florida Keys for all of the local children to enjoy,” said Monroe County Parks and Beaches Director John Allen. “We look forward to seeing you then.” Please bring your camera or cell phone if you want a picture with Santa. November 21, 2023
Triangle landscaping project update: The contractor has been approved by FDOT to work from 7:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. beginning Monday, November 27th. The permit extends through December 8th. Daytime traffic flows should not be affected. FLORIDA KEYS, FL - Local stakeholders, please join us for a community conversation regarding the recent Department of Commerce hurricane evacuation modeling webinars. County and municipal officials will discuss the six scenarios, the next steps, and the upcoming timeline. The media and public are invited to the meeting. The Zoom webinar will take place on Monday, Nov. 20 at 11 a.m. The Zoom webinar information is listed below. DOC Hurricane Evacuation Modeling - November 20th, 2023. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Nov 20, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: DOC Hurricane Evacuation Modeling - November 20th, 2023. Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://mcbocc.zoom.us/j/87563627913 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465189805,,87563627913# or +16699006833,,87563627913# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 518 9805 or +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 875 6362 7913 INFORMATIONAL MEETING DEC. 5 REGARDING TUBBY’S CREEK AND MOSQUITO CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECTS11/16/2023 KEY LARGO, FL – Monroe County will be holding a public information meeting for two upcoming bridge replacement projects on Card Sound Road: Tubby’s Creek Bridge and Mosquito Creek Bridge. The meeting will be held at the Murray Nelson Government Center Board of County Commissioner’s conference room on Dec. 5 at 5:30 p.m. County and design consultant engineers will attend the meeting to inform the residents about the upcoming project and answer any project-related questions.
$100 Kick-Starter Scholarships; Application fees waived KEY WEST, FL, November 15, 2023— The College of the Florida Keys will hold Fast Track to Spring events on Wednesday, November 29 to help prospective students quickly get on a pathway toward their academic and career training goals this upcoming spring semester, which begins January 5. Fast Track to Spring services will be available between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the Key West Campus and Upper Keys Center in Key Largo. Future students and their families will connect with CFK staff to receive essential information about degree and certificate options as well as financial aid and payment plans. Personalized guidance through the application process will also be provided. New students who participate in Fast Track to Spring will have their application fee waived, a savings of $30, and receive a $100 Kick-Starter Scholarship. New student applications are due December 1.
Prospective students are encouraged to bring the following items, if available, with them to Fast Track to Spring to expedite the admissions process:
For more information about the opportunities available at CFK, visit the College’s website at cfk.edu/FutureStudents or contact Marissa Owens, CFK Director of Recruitment, at [email protected] or call 305-809-3207. |
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