Congrats to the 2024 YEA! Winners:
1st Place - Avery Sir 2nd Place - Blake and Wes Kulaga Groundbreaking Program
The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) is a groundbreaking and exciting program that transforms local middle and high school students into real, confident entrepreneurs. Through the year-long program, students in grades 6-12 generate business ideas, conduct market research, write business plans, pitch to a panel of investors, and launch their very own companies. The Key West Chamber of Commerce Foundation is excited to be introducing YEA! to Key West.
Student Selection Process
To apply for YEA!, students must: • Fill out the YEA Student Application • Complete the essay and the short answer questions • Submit a letter of recommendation Once the completed Application packet is received, students will be asked to come in for an interview. Acceptance in the program is based on all aspects of an application, as well as the personal interview. Prior experience with business is not required! Community Impact
The Young Entrepreneurs Academy is a life-changing program that positively impacts the entire community. From exciting local business guest lecturers to dynamic field trips to local companies, students learn how to develop and run a real enterprise in a fun, projects-based approach. BECOME A SPONSOR or VOLUNTEER
Through their interactions with business professionals during the year, YEA! students gain some of the most important knowledge and experience they need to succeed. Local professionals volunteer their time and expertise as guest speakers, mentors, investors, graphic designers, field trip hosts, business plan reviewers, and much more. The time YEA! students spend with adults who encourage their futures is invaluable, and participants often report getting even more out of their participation than they put in to it! If you are interested in becoming involved with YEA! as a guest speaker, field trip host, or volunteer, contact the Chamber at [email protected] or call 305.294.2587 As business leaders, we encourage you to nominate creative, motivated students who pursue their goals with tenacity. Nominated students should have a strong work ethic and should demonstrate high levels of effort on a consistent basis. Please nominate students who have an interest in business and/or starting their own company or social movement. A limited number of scholarships are available. Please be aware that the nomination of a student does not guarantee a scholarship. National Partnerships
Founded in 2004 at the University of Rochester with support from the Kauffman Foundation, the Young Entrepreneurs Academy today serves thousands of students across America. In 2011, the United States Chamber of Commerce and Campaign for Free Enterprise became a national sponsor and partner of the Academy to help celebrate the spirit of enterprise among today’s youth and tomorrow’s future leaders. YEA! Mission
Develop and deliver experience-based entrepreneurship programs to young people to:
YEA! Vision
To be a leader in establishing innovative, experiential entrepreneurship programs for middle and high school students, delivering these programs through colleges and universities, and in high schools and middle schools throughout the country, in close cooperation with local community and business leaders and their organizations. To partner with like-minded organizations to effectively deliver entrepreneurship education to young people across our nation. The Young Entrepreneurs Academy provides a focused introduction to the business world, combining a dynamic, proven curriculum with the experiences of local leaders of industry, community members, educators, and entrepreneurs. The goal of all YEA! classes is for each student to successfully launch their own business. |
SponsorsOnPoint Restaurant Group
Andy Griffiths
School Board Member, District 2 |